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Welcome to Paradigm's Digital Healthcare Lab, or Ideatory, a
'BlueSky' Ideation Laboratory which aims to set out a future-scape
or digital vision for Healthcare.
Articulating the Vision
Along the way we'll aim to explore the below themes:
Transforming the Culture of Care
Joan's Story
Articulating a Vision for Digital Healthcare
Looking at some of the reasons as to why the Health sector is yet to transform, despite significant investments. and initiatives to date.
Picking up from where we've so far gotten to in our 2 previous ThoughtCasts for the Digital Paradigm, in which we explored one aspect of the future evolution of the hospitalisation treatment model, namely the capability to transition care for some acute treatments, that have only ever been treated within the traditional hospital care setting to date, to now be treated safely within the patient's home. We touched on in highlight, how these new models might be tailored to potentially also enable:
The further streamlining of (finite) healthcare resources,
The further Optimisation of 'Value', and reductions in costs
Support the driving up of quality and standards of care; as well as
Scale to extend the current and future capacity of the hospital
Modernising it to create a 21st century future, 'fit for purpose' health service, that supports the health aspirations of its patients, including around use of technology, by intelligent adoption of digital technologies and innovation. However, we show in the presentation of our first Theme, namely 'Transforming the Culture of Care', that our initial premise, in previously looking at 'hospitalisation' per se, as the basis upon which to scale, and build this future-state modernisation, is not in reality the correct starting point.
Joan's Story
We're going to centre our deliberations for our goal of Articulating a Digital Vision for Healthcare around a simple scenario, Joan's Story in which we'll meet Joan, a patient who has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, (COPD), and 're-imagine' an idealised vision, or 'BlueSky' future-scape in which her treatment pathway/ treatment experience is both supported and optimised by digital.
Articulating a Vision for
Paradigm's Digital Healthcare Ideatory, or 'BlueSky' Ideation Laboratory, aims to set out a future-scape or vision for Healthcare, and is explored under the 3 below headings, or Themes.
- the power of the mind for forming ideas: the exercise of such power
Chambers English Dictionary
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07376 616535
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